Clipboard with pencil checking boxes.

Before submitting payment online, please confirm you have the approved Park Reservation Number provided by the City on your application form.

Deck rentals have a maximum of 6 hours available in 2 hour block rentals.

Please select the appropriate quantity of hours that were approved on the park reservation form.

Please select the appropriate residential type, which will calculate the appropriate charges for this rental.

Click on the link below to find the form to submit to the City if you do not have the required Park Reservation Number.

Deck Reservation
Used to contact you in case of problem with payment
Resident Type
Non-Resident (an additional fee is added) ($17.50)
1 2 3
Payment method
Submit payment
Payment Details
Payment amount
Municipal Online Payments Fee (Credit Card) $1.25
Easy Pay

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

An online payment fee of $1.25 will be charged for each online transaction.

Contact us